Equipped Area of Gianmartino
The hill of Gianmartino has always been a point of great interest for the citizens of Tiriolo. Its strategic and central position has made of it the core of the activities of the people living in the area over the centuries.
At its foot, in a protected position, since IV-III century b.C., the Brettians have built several structures, in part brought back to light during the excavations of 2015. In XVII century, the princes Cigala built their palace at the foot of the hill, surrounding it with a boundary wall still partially visible.
During World War II, two anti-aircraft stations were built on top of the mount; some remains of the stations are still visible.
In 2017, a requalification project brought it to its current state: an urban park with a strong naturalistic characterisation, where the predominant element is nature, a natural, intimate and protected environment, meeting point for all generations.
There are playgrounds for children, shaded areas for old people, small fountains and fire sites for barbecues, sitting areas surrounded by green for tourists who love nature and want to enjoy a picnic.
The area is also equipped with public toilets accessible to disabled people and with a completely equipped parking area for campers.