Archaeological site “Gianmartino”

The archeological site of “Gianmartino” was investigated between 2014 and 2015, at first through prospecting GPR which highlighted a wide network of wall structures, later through stratigraphical excavations. The site has revealed an exceptionally well-preserved monumental building dating back to the Brettian period (IV-III century b.C.). A pillared corridor from where we can reach 4 rooms has been revealed so far; their intended use is not clear, although the materials found there (which are being studied) suggest a sacral-religious function. The site has gone through several stages of life before its destruction, caused by a huge fire.
The importance of the building is witnessed by the richness of the architectonic decorative system (a mosaic featuring two dolphins and a third not-identified fish, finely decorated capitals, plastered and painted walls made of raw earth) and of the materials (a lot of bronze and silver Carthaginian and Brettian coins and several small female terracotta statues).


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