Alemanni Palace
XVIII century
It was built during XVIII century to accommodate the house of the Alemanni family, who were landowners. Later on, around the end of XIX century, the back side of the building was extended.
Located in the main square of the town, it has a monumental balcony on the neoclassical façade.
It is characterised by windows in Neoclassical style, surmounted by alternating triangular and crescent-shaped small decorative pediments.
The arched entrance portal is made of stone and on its keystone there is a demonic apotropaic mask made of white marble.
Inside the palace there is a wide courtyard, where we find the monumental staircase leading to the upper floor. Against the staircase wall there is a small fountain surrounded by a huge central arch; the Baroque fountain is made of green stone coming from Gimigliano and was built reusing ancient materials of the Brettian period.
The building is famous for having been a refuge for Garibaldi during one of his stopovers in Calabria.